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Thursday, October 4, 2007

Reaching for the skies with minimum wage!

  • OK, not really. But a minimum wage increase was approved for 2008. Now don't
    go filling out applications for a new house or car yet, the approval was only for 10 cents.
    According to KFBB TV the change comes in response to a cost of living increase.

    I'm not sure about the rest of you but the cost of living far outweighs the minimum
    pay in Montana. In my opinion I don't think 6.25 is near enough to cover the 495.00
    rent on most one bedroom apartments these days. Let alone cover, Utilities, transportations
    and the multiple insurances we need to survive and be law abiding.


david said...

I think that most people who earn minimum-wage probably still live at home with their parents and don't have to worry about paying rent.

Tatjanna Miller said...

Boy, I hope so, LOL, at this rate they won't be moving out anytime soon!

WolfPack said...

Most people making minimum wage are tipped employees in the service industry. At the end of the day a good food-server makes $10-30 an hour yet benefits from minimum wage increases paid for by the rest of us.