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Monday, October 1, 2007


David at has presented bloggers as
well as non-bloggers with a celebration called Blogtober.
Well I for one love celebrations and any reason to have
a fun time and decorate or chat with friends is a good

Here are the ways that David suggests we celebrate

1. Create your own “Happy Blogtober” button or graphic for your site
2. Get one (or more!) of your buddies to become a blogger
3. Invite some guest bloggers to post
4. Spotlight a blogger that you admire, and explain why
5. Implement some nifty new blog-tool or plug-in
6. Give some pointers about blogging (writing, design, etc) so that new bloggers can better understand what it’s all about
7. Explain why you are a blogger: what it means to you, how it has affected your life, etc
8. If you’re not a blogger but have thought about creating a blog, now is the perfect time! If you need help, just let me know and I’ll walk you through it!


You don't have to blog about the news or important community issues, Blogs can be a journal of your life, recipes, poetry, short stories and thoughts.

Best of all, your already at a blog site. There are many choices out there. is only
one. So come join us in the celebration of blogtober! Once you have created your blog
send me an email at and I will list your blog with my site!


david said...

I really like your Blogtober picture, Janna!

Tatjanna Miller said...

Thank you much Dave, I kinda cheated and downloaded from one of the sites I pay for and then added some goodies to it! Thanks much!